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Writer's pictureThomas Noyes

North Shore Path Meeting in Princeville, April 9, 2009

The North Shore Path meeting on Thursday, April 9, 2009 was a real success!  Approximately 100 people were in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to consider alternatives for the creation of a walking and biking path network linking the communities of Kilauea, Princeville, and Hanalei. 

Presentations were given by Ben Welborn of Landmark Consulting Services, Thomas Noyes with the Kauai Path Organization, and Merle Grimes, who has 20+ years of experience in planning and creating path systems around the country.

Survey feedback from the meeting demonstrated strong widespread support for a North Shore path system with the highest levels of support for a segment connecting Princeville to Hanalei and a bike & pedestrian bridge near the Kalihiwai river mouth.

In attendance were Tim Bynum (county council), Lani Kawahara (county council), Ray McCormick (Kauai District Engineer, State DOT), Leonard Rapozo (Director, Kauai County Parks and Recreation), JoAnn Yukimura (former Kauai mayor), Jan Pascua (Kauai District Health Office), Celia Mahikoa (Kauai County Transportation Agency), and Meredith Speicher (National Parks Service, Oahu Office).

Kauai Path's North Shore Trails Committee is building grassroots support for a North Shore path, and is pursuing grant and federal stimulus funding.  It was noted that it is easier to acquire grant funding when an organization can demonstrate grassroots support through small contributions from numerous individuals.

Anyone who would like to offer a donation for the North Shore Path planning efforts can send a check, payable to "Kauai Path" (Kauai Path is a 501(c) 3 non-profit).  Send payment to Kauai Path, PO Box 81, Lihue, HI 96766.  Please note "North Shore" on your check.

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