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October 2010 FASS (Fresh Air Sea Side) Fun Ride

Following are comments from the folks who participated in the October 2010 Fresh Air Sea Side Fun Ride ("FASS Fun Ride") sponsored by Kauai Path and Communities Putting Prevention to Work. Please click here if you'd like to be notified of upcoming events.

Lani Kawahara: A great group activity that truly encourages active, fun & healthy lifestyle. Please keep it going!    I especially like the way organizers allow for different riding abilities and distance abilities! Very flexible and yet safety conscious when people peel off.

On October 30, 2010 Fresh Air Sea Side Fun Riders in the long (35 mile) event from Lihi Park to the Crater Hill Lookout in Kilauea and back got together at 7:30 AM at Lihi Park. Left to Right (back row): Vincente Tanicala*, Kerry Blaine, Alex Cadiz*, Joseph Ballesteros*, Leo Defonturom*, Roland Tanicala*, Rey Agcaoili*, Lem Soria*, Roy Yamakawa, Angelo Catiggay*, and Allen Matias*; front: Jessie Obiano* and Dario Sibolboro*; missing Archer Obiano*, Eddie Obiano*, and Leiola Kamalani-Oliver. *members of the Philippines Island Hawaii Island Cycling Club ("PIHI")

Leiola Kamalani-Oliver: I love biking & would like to see more of these biking events. No pressure, take your time if you want & I like the three different bike ride distances. I didn’t want to take my picture with the 7:30 group just in case I was going to be a drop-out, but I stuck it out.

I just wanted to say thank you for a fun bike ride today with everyone. I will try to learn how to bike with a helmet by the next ride, but no promises. I must be a rookie rider because there was no way I could eat (other than fruits) after that bike ride, but it did look scrumptious. 

    Mahalo nui loa!

[Editor’s note: Leiola is a grandmother who rode her exercise bike on the 35-mile route with some serious and much younger cyclists on light road bikes, and she finished in the middle of the pack! Hats off to Leiola-she’s an inspiration to us all!]

The medium length ride (20 miles) started at 8:30 Am from Lihi Park, and the turnaround point was the Moloa`a Fruit stand.

Kurt Rutter: Twenty mile ride—great ride. Nice to have a bike lane along Kuhio Highway in the future as part of Complete Streets. Thanks for hosting the ride.

Kerry Blaine: The ride was great! The bike path is the best improvement for recreation on Kauai in twenty years. It should be completed ASAP. Kauai needs more bike awareness and bike paths! Drivers on Kauai are not aware of bikes and need to be educated to watch for them. Thank you for your hard work Thomas [Noyes]!!

Left to right: Joey Tanaka, Pat White, and Alicia Leong did the 20 mile ride, pushing their endurance levels.

Tomoe T. Rutter: It was a wonderful ride. I don’t ride on the road (Highway) by myself. But with other riders, it wasn’t so bad. I will join anytime.

Tim Bynum: Beautiful day, good company, good fun.

Jeff Demma: Generally, this was a good & simple opportunity for riders of various levels to get out there on the path & on the road. There were some “very fast” and slightly aggressive truck/car drivers on Kuhio. Some heavy overgrowth made the shoulder mauka very narrow. Wish the shoulders were better maintained. Mahalo!

Dario Siborboro: Great fun ride for a new comer. We’ll do it again. We will keep the wheels rolling.

Luke Carney: Use the path almost every day. I run and push my baby boy Dylan in a jogging stroller. He naps and I get some exercise in a very beautiful location.

Brad Fong: Today’s ride was very fun. I’m looking forward to the path being built longer and I’ll definitely be back for more rides to come.

Tiffany Guidalin: I really enjoyed today’s bike ride. The scenery was beautiful. I would like to do it again during my next visit. Thank you!

Troy Arnold: Riding bikes is fun.

Alex Cadiz: Good ride, will do it again!!!

Rey Agcaoili: Perfect, great ride and would like to do it again.

Heatherbell Fong: The short ride [eight miles] was very low-key and scenic. We could have accommodated at least twenty more riders, and hope more will come next month [Editor’s note: the Kapaa Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning, 2010, see the calendar for details.]

Potluck at 11:30 AM at Lihi Park.

Sherman Fong: The short [eight mile] ride is always rewarding. It is beautiful and very scenic. It is a good ride for beginners to biking and avid riders. Perhaps we should encourage parents and children to ride on future fun rides.

Jo Manea: [At] Ahihi Point: use small rocks to designate paths from paved road out to the point, so ilima plants can grow. Post sign about letting ilima grow.

Susan Hoerner: I wanted to thank you and all the organizers of [the] ride, I enjoyed it immensely, especially since I’m sure I rode away having gotten the most exercise of anyone on my little Beach Cruiser. It is now possible to tell people, “sure you can do the 20-miler on a beach cruiser, no sweat...well, a little sweat.” I’m looking forward to the next one, with a different bike, and Charlie [Susan’s husband] will have his tuned up by than and be able to complete the ride.

This event was made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services and sponsored by Communities Putting Prevention to Work-Hawaii—improving healthy eating and healthy activities, creating jobs, and promoting sustainability on the islands of Kauai and Maui.

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