Dear Dr. Randy Blake,
I had fun riding with you on June 20, 2011. I learned how to turn with hand signals. It is important to know this because of our safety.
from James

Kauai Path's Executive Director Randy Blake and fellow League of American Bicyclists ("LAB") certified instructors have been teaching youngsters bike safety classes as part of their Summer Fun experience.
"We have already instructed 118 students in LAB Youth Bicycling Skills 123 through the County of Kauai's Parks and Recreation Summer Fun Program at Kapaa and Lihue, with additional training sessions in Kekaha, Kalaheo, and Kilauea coming up," said Dr. Blake.
This program was made possible through a collaboration between Communities Putting Prevention to Work (a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention national program to combat obesity), Kauai Cycle & Tour and the Specialized Dealers Grant Program, The County of Kauai, the Hawaii State Department of Health, and Kauai Path.

"Our youth will be safer bicyclists out on Kauai's streets following this basic skills training. We're first instructing about 200 of the kids attending the County's Summer Fun program. During June and July we'll cover skills like proper helmet fitting, the ABC Quick Check, starting and stopping, braking, scanning back for cars, and signaling when safe to turn," continued Blake. "Later in the fall of 2011 we'll start instruction in the public schools for fourth and fifth grade level students."
More information on bike skills training for youth and adults is available through Kauai Path's contact us form.